Scouting Hot Finds Insiders

For over a decade the Scouting Hot Finds has delivered you content to help preserve and share the tradition of collecting Scouting memorabilia. The signature email newsletter was first published in 2010 followed by our Podcast the next year. Over on YouTube we have published dozens of videos to keep the excitement going for Scout patch collectors.

Our fans, like you, have been the reason we continue. Your support continues to be amazing.

Become a Scouting Hot Finds Insider to help us continue producing free content for the hobby and keep all the thread heads out there fed with new interviews, videos and newsletters every month! Each level of support adds new benefits and access to exclusive content.

Your monthly subscription will help us with the following:

  • Hire a podcast audio editor to bring back Scouting Hot Finds Radio in a bi-weekly publishing schedule
  • Hire a video editor to increase the frequency and quality of free YouTube content to keep the energy going for the hobby
  • Underwrite podcast hosting on Spreaker for Scouting Hot Finds Radio
  • Underwrite Godaddy website hosting for, and more
  • Underwrite Constant Contact email marketing for the Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter published 3x per week


15% off – Exclusive discount on merchandise from

Exclusive podcast “After The Interview” content for each new episode

Exclusive video “After The Unboxing” content where I dive in and evaluate the real value and quality of each collection I purchase

Exclusive video “Inside The Warehouse” where I share tips and tricks on how I run my eBay business with a behind the scenes look.
Exclusive Thread Heads Zoom 1x month where you will be connected live with myself and other collectors to ask questions and talk patches, patches, patches

Annual 3 hour warehouse tour and picking to be scheduled at a time that is convenient for both parties (located Charlotte, NC). Lunch on me!
1:1 Phone call to answer questions or talk shop 1x month

You can find out all the details on my new Patreon group called the Scouting Hot Finds Insiders at I sincerely appreciate all the support! Even if it’s just a few dollars a month that is a vote of confidence that the podcast, newsletter and videos are projects I should continue and put more effort into.


Become a Patron!




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DISCLAMER: It is not officially affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America, the Girl Scouts of the USA or the World Organization of Scout Movements.