Tuesday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter May 15, 2018

I have been writing the Hot Finds for almost ten years now and today might be a first. I’m publishing this issue from the courthouse. Sounds like a good Johnny Cash song.


In 18 years of living in a small North Carolina town I was never called to serve on a jury. Now in my 2nd year of living in Charlotte I find myself downtown at the county courthouse awaiting an orientation and hoping that it turns out they really don’t need me to serve on a jury this week after all.


The irony is that I was probably one full day away from having everything sorted in my warehouse space and really being totally up and running. The old social studies teacher in me understands the social obligation but that doesn’t temper my aggravation at being here.


The irony is that I was probably one full day away from having everything sorted in my warehouse space and really being totally up and running. The old social studies teacher in me understands the social obligation but that doesn’t temper my aggravation at being here.

When I finally do get the warehouse set up I’ll share some pictures. I’ve got all the major shelving units built I’m in the process of adding on some custom spots and trying to perfect the layout of the office workspace. YES I will have some room to hand some Boy Scout artwork.


With plenty of time to read today (maybe) I decided to grab a couple of books off my shelf that I read ten years ago when I was getting my MED in School Leadership. I’ve often thought the job of Camp Director and School Principal have some things in common and so I wanted to revisit some of those Ed Leadership books to see if I could get some good nuggets of knowledge that will be useful this summer.


I also have a camping committee meeting in Columbia tomorrow that Jury Duty could get in the way of. We are less than a month from staff reporting and it’s an exciting time for me and the rest of the guys that have been working hard to get camp ready.






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