Scouting Hot Finds Radio – Talking PowWows and Patches

You can play the episode using the player below. There may be a thirty second commercial that plays – so just be patient until that thirty seconds has elapsed and you will be able to listen to the show.

Join me for Part 1 of my interview with Paul Gowder the webmaster of Paul is an Eagle Scout and Vigil Honor member of the Order of the Arrow. In 1996 he launched and took it from a simple platform for sharing knowledge on dancing and PowWow etiquette to a full blown family of sites now fifteen years later with tens of thousands of users.


I also have a recorded clip from Craig Leighty the President of the International Scouting Collectors Association (ISCA) regarding the 2012 NOAC Trade-O-Ree. Craig breaks down all the details on the upcoming show of the year for the hobby.

Listen to “#7: Talking PowWows & Patches” on Spreaker.


Visit to see what all the talk is about





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DISCLAMER: It is not officially affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America, the Girl Scouts of the USA or the World Organization of Scout Movements.