In about 10 days I’ll be joining many collectors from around the southeast (and beyond!) at Chris Jensen’s South Carolina TOR on January 7-8, 2022. This is the first TOR of the year on the calendar. I’ll be coming with enough stuff to fill 4 tables including all the Best Hobby Pages products. You can get free delivery at the event for your order by using coupon code PICKUP at checkout.
Yesterday I had a nice visit with Russell Smart. We talked about his Shopify Store Smart Scout Patches and the flip book sale he has used to sell off his best OA pieces. Russell is serving the BSA as the Chairman of the National Scout Museum committee. He has some interesting plans to make improvements to the galleries. I have never been to Philmont but it’s definitely on my bucket list.
Russel shared in the next couple of years there will be another Philmont Historian’s Summit on the calendar. I was working at camp during the first one in 2019 but I heard so many good things about it. Bill Topkis, Jeff Morley and their team have started making plans to continue their efforts to plant the historian seed in many corners of the Scouting movement. You can listen back to this podcast interview I did with them before the inaugural week long course at the PTC.
I have 250 live auctions on eBay this week including many Philmont items, pins, JSPs and more. I have tried to keep the listings diverse to attract more eyes. If you like big dollar OA there is some of that ending Sunday as well.
After the SC TOR you can catch me in Indianapolis on February 4-5 for the Crossroads of America (Indy) TOR. This is the largest and best attended TOR of the year. If you can make it I highly recommend this show.