Tuesday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter June 8, 2021

Today is neckerchief day in the warehouse. No that’s not a Scout holiday you have never heard of. But rather it’s the day we are scanning and getting ready to list probably 1000 Jamboree neckerchiefs followed by hundreds of NOAC neckerchiefs.
There are several sorting projects that I am desperate to finish before pushing off for camp. I keep a project wall with index cards that track all of these projects. There are a dozen or more cards up there including two totes full of Philmont that I know are not going to get touched before I get home from camp.
So there is a happy ending to the story of the box I retrieved from UPS with the busted side. After double checking everything and giving the poor lady who sent me the items a heart attack I figured out that nothing had been lost. The label was a bit confusing to read which caused all the grief. So I did get all 50+ pounds of stuff that I need to review and make her an offer on before I ship out Saturday. It’s on the list!
I have
187 live auctions on eBay this week with a couple dozen closing and starting each night. The plan is to keep that pace up over the two months of the summer. It’s possible I can pull it off but I will need to burn some midnight oil this week to get everything proofed and scheduled.
I have a very important phone call today at 11:30 AM. Its from a 323 area code number. Just in case things go sideways I don’t want to give away any details. But you guys know I can’t help but share this patch business journey with the rest of you. So rest assured there will be more to share when I can spill the beans.