In the Friday issue I shared with ya’ll that I got a “generalist” collection that has a broad swath of Scouting topics included. Saturday morning I drove down to Augusta GA to purchase a collection from the Midwest that was heavy on local stuff but also included a couple of niches that I can keep for an instant starter collection. If I don’t stop this I’ll turn into the southern version of Scott Wheeler collecting everything. (love you Scott!)
For me the keepers in this group area a box of early books and Lone Scouts. He also had a notebook of all the BSA song books including some I’ve never seen. My favorite were the teens program booklets and reprints of Baden Powell’s Aids to Scouting that will be perfect for a Scouting Heritage merit badge class. Between these collections I’ve gotten three Silver Antelope medals this week. Sometimes you get lucky!
To finish the day on the way home (it was a busy Saturday with a Merit Badge University and camp staff bowling fun night) I pulled up to a house in Fort Mill, SC about twenty minutes from my home to get another small collection. This visit lasted a while as the guy was happy to tell me about his days in the Madison Corps which was their council band. He told me about performing at the 1964 Jamboree and the 1965 Montreal Expo.
This week on eBay I have 265 live auctions running on a wide variety of items. The most interesting items ending tonight are some Nassau County Council 1950s camp staff jackets. I’ve also got a professional Pedro jacket that is a green version I’ve never seen.
For everyone that has signed up for my Scouting Hot Finds Insiders group you can look forward to some exclusive videos that I’ll film Monday when I start going through these collections. When I’m talking to the guys in the Patreon group in this “After the Unboxing” series I talk about what I really think of the best pieces and share some of the back story.