This week I met with the realtor who sold us our house back in 2018. My lease runs out at the end of August so I am exploring all options. I’ve already had a frank conversation with my landlord (new company that bought the property) and they shared what my lease would be if I renew. So with 6-7 months to figure something out I’m shopping around the idea of buying something.
I was able to research zoning and confirm that even though our business needs look more like “storage” that nothing residential will get through the ordinances. Too bad I really thought the name eBay House has a ring to it. But I also don’t need frontage road access or anything with a loading dock so there might be some options for me out there. But so far nothing seems to be on the market in my area but I’m trying to get my ducks in a row.
I have 240 live auctions on eBay right now as my auction calendar is completely booked out for a few weeks. That’s good as I’ve got some trips on the calendar so I need to stay out ahead of things.