The hardest part about hosting a Trade-O-Ree is not always getting everything worked out with the host location and actually setting up. Sometimes its the effort to get people to come. It ain’t like that old Field of Dreams movie, you can put it on a calendar but that won’t make people come.
I am doing my best to market the Charlotte TOR to folks in the Carolinas and beyond. I have a great location and a good team with a local troop handling the concessions and assisting with set up etc. I want to make sure that as many Scouts and Scouters in the area know about the event so that we have good walk through. To that effort one of my employees took free books and flyers to this past weekends University of Scouting here in Charlotte. If anyone in the southeast region is attending a lodge function or council event coming up and you are willing to pass out flyers please let me know.
I took a tip from John Ortt and made a flyer that is more Scout friendly and focuses mostly on why they should attend the show. For table vendors I have a QR code (thanks Scott Best for that idea) that directs them to the registration link to get a table. I’ve reconfigured things so this year we have more wall tables available. I will also have attended five TORs in the months leading up to Charlotte to promote to people in the area.
This week on eBay I have 171 live auctions running. Many of these are SAPs with some ending every night of the week. The Raccoon River Valley (link below) is an odd ball for sure. When in doubt I just put things up for auction to see what someone might be willing to spend.