When I launched the Scouting Hot Finds Radio podcast in 2011 one of the first big names I landed as a guest was John Pannell. My interview with him was eventually broken up into 3 episodes of the Podcast (#12, #13, #14) with the final one being a 1-hour live show. Many collectors just getting started have probably never heard the story of how this monumental site was built and how it shaped the hobby of collecting Order of the Arrow patches for two decades. He was getting 40k hits on the website per day back in 2011!
To make it easier I have reformatted the original show notes page to put all three audio players in one place. I hope you will enjoy listening all the way through to these episodes that capture an important time period in our hobby.
Listen to “#12: John Pannell of OAimages.com” on Spreaker.
Listen to “#13: Getting Under The Hood of OAimages” on Spreaker.
Listen to “#14: Live With John Pannell” on Spreaker.
I’ve got John Pannell of OAimages.com in the virtual guest seat for this show. John is going to share with us the story of how he took over a struggling website with a few hundred images fifteen years ago and began work to transform it into the #1 reference site for Order of the Arrow collectors now getting an average of 40,000 hits a day. If you are interested in the early days of the web or a die hard user of his website or members only price guide feature you won’t want to miss this show.