One of the best things about TORs are the people you get to meet and fellowship with. I got this picture with Chip Elliott yesterday to commemorate that we are “Ranger Dads”. This summer our daughters will both be on Philmont Staff working as rangers at the ranch leading crews out on the trail.
I got to also talk to many VA collectors who are regulars at the VA Beach show. Amazingly they got about 10 inches of snow there mid-week so there was plenty still hanging around but the roads were clear. The Tidewater Council was where Best Hobby Pages was born so it’s always good to see Joe and many of the long time customers of the product.
On the way home I met a guy in Archdale NC to purchase a collection. It’s a good problem to have but man coming home from a TOR with even more patches than you sold is the wrong math. Still I love lining up these picking opportunities because it means no matter how I do at the show there is always a bonus upside built in.
On eBay I have 232 live auctions. I continue to auction off a nice Pellissippi collection that came in along with many SAPs and sets.