On my website you can follow my journey as a Boy Scout collector and dealer. Through my Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter I document my transition from a middle school social studies teacher to a full time hobbyist. So every once in awhile I am able to really move the needle on my collection. This video documents the unboxing of a purchase I made which put me just 1 need away from having a complete BSA council shoulder patch collection. Saying you have a “complete” collection depends on how you define your goals. I have always believed that collectors should be able to set goals and decide what their collection focus should be. For me this version of “complete” is one CSP from every Boy Scout council that ever issued a CSP as defined by the collective authors of the reference book “An Aid To Collecting Council Shoulder Insignia”. The CSI Guide is the go to book for this niche of the hobby. So to poke holes in my own definition of complete I am not including any patches we would call shoulder strips that are Red & White half strips or odd shape council patches. So I’m calling this a classic CSP collection. If you enjoy learning about Scouting memorabilia please click the “like” button and consider subscribing to my YouTube channel.