Boy Scout Memorabilia Prices Realized Guide: Baden-Powell, World Jamboree & International Scouting Issues

The Boy Scout Memorabilia Prices Realized Guides are a series of eBooks that focus on specific areas of collecting interest in the hobby. Each book documents all known items that sold for more than $100 from that niche. The guides contain all of the historical information about that sale including the images, sales price and descriptions so that you can reference the very best items for your collection.

The newest edition in this series is now available. It includes over 500 items and includes some of the most valuable items that sold on eBay in 2011. The items in this book have an International flavor and include Baden-Powell, World Jamboree items going all the way back to 1920 and rare International issues. I invite you to purchase the new book for just $4.99. It’s 286 pages long and contains great historical information on the best Scouting items that sold in 2011. You can find vintage World Jamboree patches right along with big sellers from the 2011 World Jamboree in Sweden. Fans of neat Scouting items will love all the Baden-Powell pieces including figurines, plates, Wood Badge beads and more. If you collect British or Canadian Scouting items then this book is also a keeper. It has dozens of items in this category such as rare district and event badges, neckerchiefs and awards. The images on this cover show you just some of the items that made it into this exclusive club. If you enjoy reading the Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter then this guide is a must have.


Boy Scout Prices Realized Guide: B-P, World Jamboree & International Scouting


Upcoming guides in the series include:

Eagle Scout & Merit Badges – March 28
Shoulder Insignia & Uniforms (Including Region items) – March 28
Books & Paper (Including posters, stamps, certificates) – April 11
Camp Memorabilia & Philmont (Including high adventure) – April 25
Equipment , Knives & Miscellaneous Lots – May 9
Medals & Awards, (Including all pins and rings) – May 23
National Scout Jamboree (Including JSPs) – June 6
Order of the Arrow (Includes conclaves) – June 27




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DISCLAMER: It is not officially affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America, the Girl Scouts of the USA or the World Organization of Scout Movements.