Back in Episode #91 of the Scouting Hot Finds Radio podcast Russell Smart shared that he was beginning to break up his fantastic OA odd shape collection. As most of you know he has been selling the 100 best pieces in a flipbook private sale. Today I am announcing the beginning of his next phase –
I’ve collaborated with Russell over a couple of meetings in person to build and launch his own Shopify Store that will feature items from his collection for sale. To start off with he has about 600 OA odd shapes available for sale. As part of the Hot Finds community I’m announcing this to the readers BEFORE I share it on Facebook later today. So enjoy having first shot at these great pieces!
On eBay I have 211 live auctions mostly featuring OA flaps and issues. This includes a wave of good pieces ending Sunday night. You might appreciate this – I sold something for my mother-in-law yesterday. Her church had a Casio electronic keyboard that wasn’t being used. So today I’ve got to package that up and send it to Indiana. I’ll count that as having done my good turn today.
Looking ahead Sunday I’ll have another Top 10 video to share. I’ve already got it done and ready to publish. This one was fun to make as it covers the last 3 weeks of March. After dabbling with these again I will try and make it a bi-weekly project if I can keep refining the system where it doesn’t kill to much time researching and making the videos.