On Thursday’s I have been traveling the back roads to return to Camp Barstow and continue helping to teach Salesmanship Merit Badge. Yesterday the Scouts had a special treat as I invited an Eagle Scout from the council to come share his collection. He attended the 1999 World Jamboree and went to Philmont in 2000. But the cool part was he was ready to sell.
As a small business owner he was all in when I invited him to come meet me at camp and we could share his memorabilia with the class and also discuss negotiations. It was really a strange experience for both of us as the Scouts asked us questions and we went back and forth on price, learning to let the other person go first and compromise. In the end – in a very public negotiation we met on the high side of a compromise and I purchased his stuff. It was a fun experience for the Scouts to see a live patch deal go down and literally they got to participate in it. He also shared many tips about running a small business.