I did indeed get a neat collection this week albeit tiny that had some cool pieces from a Scout that attended the 1959 WSJ held in the Philippines. He traveled the world on a tour with a bunch of Scouts after the event which must have been an unbelievably formative event for a teenager.
Every collection I get in goes through a process of sorting that includes deciding what to keep in my collection and what to swap back out. In this case I got enough really cool stuff from the 1959 WSJ to make a good frame to add to my historical display. He had everything from the pin to the key chain and of course neckerchief and patch from this event. Some of the paperwork will also fit nicely in there.
My ultimate goal is to have frames made for every major Scouting event so that if I was asked to come set up something to promote the National Jamboree I could plunk out a really nice grouping of stuff. This goes with the frame system I constructed a few years ago that some people have picked up on using Jensen boxware frames.
What I need to remember about this plan is I can’t wait until I’m old and out of the active program to implement it. For example we are having a pack open house next week for new Scouts. Why don’t I have a Cub Scout display ready to go?!
I have started auctioning pieces of the 1950s OA collection so that people can have a shot at them on eBay. I did pretty well thinning it out through Facebook and in this newsletter but now it’s time to give the middle man (eBay) his fee and put them out there to a larger audience.