Friday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter September 17, 2021
Last night Matthew Delk showed up with the tables (THANKS!) and a small team of volunteers from our Scouts BSA troop helped set up the room. Today we are welcoming vendors from many states and visitors as far away as Oregon (welcome Christopher!).
I posted a picture yesterday on Facebook of the uHaul that I rented loaded to bear. Mostly I have grabbed every odd box in the warehouse with everything that I am looking to part with. From wooden BSA centennial footlockers to prints and paperweights the silent auctions are going to be fun.
I have
106 live auctions on eBay this week. I’ve been slow to ramp up my offerings but that should change next week when I have the TOR in my rear view mirror .
I am going to try and film a time lapse video of the TOR today. Sometimes taking these on your iPhone can be a little tricky but I am hoping it will make a good pieces to share. I hope to see some of the readers there today!