Sunday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter September 26, 2021


This week I am prepping to drive down to Florida to attend the camp shows put on for south Florida troops in two different councils. These councils don’t operate summer camps so for many years they have sponsored 1-day expos and let other camps from around the southeast (and beyond!) come pitch to their units. We have done pretty well recently getting FLA troops to come to Camp Barstow and so it’s time to get to work.


The biggest task in front of me is finishing the leaders guide. I’m trying to update some things and giving it a little bit of a more modern layout. We have a nice table set up and videos that we can throw up on a screen. The other thing to put out is some swag that the Scouts and leaders can take with them (they love patches). I leave Friday with Matthew Delk as my co-pilot on this adventure.


I shared pictures this week on Facebook of my new reference library set up. Chris Jensen traded me a giant coffee table that someone had custom made to store their Boy’s Life magazines. I was able to turn it on it’s end and now I have a cool book shelf for all of my patch guide books. It’s a little big for the space but I am always moving things around so it’s a winner.


I have 180 live auctions on eBay with several of the best ones ending tonight. There is a nice mix of OA, Philmont and shoulder strips in the mix. Tonight I’ll be launching about 50 auctions on vintage OA to get back in the habit of running some Sun-Sun auctions in that category.


Last night I had the pleasure of attending the South Carolina vs. Kentucky football game. Although it ended in a loss for the home team I enjoyed the atmosphere and kept up my streak of seeing at least one home game each year. We have been through lots of ups and downs the last several years but you have to be a good alumni and a true fan doesn’t change their colors.






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