This morning as we are school shopping Sophia remembered that there is a small Girl Scout Jamboree at the Summit next summer before the WSJ. Now she wants to go to both so she can get extra time in at the Skate Park. Oh my looks like dad better sell some more patches!
Even with all the new 2018 stuff on eBay there it is still dwarfed by the vintage pieces which are the bread and butter of this newsletter.
I have a strategy for my NOAC pieces that I kinda drew up on a napkin. The first step was to get everything put up at fixed priced as quickly as possible after the event. I accomplished that Sunday night. The next step begins today as I roll out a 10% off sale on the 350+ items in that category. Click here to see the sale!
As you can tell the auctions are fast and furious on eBay now! Some have chosen 3-day and others have opted for the tried and true 7-day model. Turns out they still offer 1-day auctions but charge you a premium fee for that! You gotta learn how eBay works or they will sting you with a fee.
I’m back home and will be in the office tomorrow early. My daughter has to catch the bus at 6 AM for high school (tell you the story later) so my wife has nominated me to be in charge of getting Sophia on the bus. So in turn I’ll be driving to my office early and will be at my desk by 6:30 AM. My nickname in Wood Badge was “sleepy fox” so needless to say I am not an early to rise guy!
If you have lots of new patches from NOAC and need to get everything organized give a try. The system is based on 3-ring binders and is the choice of many collectors in the hobby.