The irony in attending the pop up market is that I sold almost as much stuff online by posting pictures of my table on Facebook. I made several deals during the event and had to pull items from the display. My wife would probably tell me I should have just stayed home and helped entertain her mother as we were wrapping up the Thanksgiving visit.
Over in the Facebook Group folks may have noticed that Brad England has started tightening up on some of the bad behavior that has been tolerated up to this point. He notified me this weekend that a few people have been given the boot for unethical practices and hopefully that will help set a higher standard for how people treat others in the group.
I chipped in on a GoFundMe page late this week for an old Scouting friend and historian. Rusty Riddle of the Coastal Carolina Council and long time member of Unali’yi Lodge has suffered some medical setbacks. Rusty wrote the history book for the Dixie Fellowship and has been a local patch collector a decades. If you want to pass it on today send a few dollars into this effort to help him pay some expenses.
This week in my store at I began adding flaps and issues that came out the Midwest collection that I brought home. I’ll continue that this week as I’ve got thousands of flaps to get up. So far I’ve got about 5 boxes scanned in but they still have to be identified and priced so it’s a long way to go but a good problem to have.