As a married person tell me if you have ever tried to pull this off. My wife is out of town for a few days studying for a financial exam she is taking for her job. I told her I was finally going to tackle a complete makeover of our garage. So for the last two days I have been furiously installing new shelving, reboxing, recycling and trashing unwanted items. All of this without one word of guidance from her – I am just going rogue and doing it my way. I am either going hear a “good job” when she returns Wednesday or I’ll hear about it all during Thanksgiving.
But in my defense I sorta feel like a garage is kinda a man’s lair where we store fishing gear we never use, dad’s old tools I might need one day and enough camping gear to outfit a Scout troop. Of course you need 1/2 dozen sleeping bags just in case! But I’ve also merged the project of merging totes in my warehouse because I wanted the garage to all be those matching totes from Lowe’s with the yellow lids. So that’s how I can explain that I spent 5 hours at the warehouse Sunday merging totes to free up all my matching ones – see I understand how there has to be some eye appeal to this makeover.
Today when I get home I should be able to finish the project. I have to put some stuff in the attic, find a home for a couple of unused coffee tables, and do a thorough job of cleaning. I also have to set up my tunes station with an old stereo and record player. The garage is not my man cave but when I work in there I do like to play some loud music.
On eBay this week I have 140 live auctions including many CPs, camp patches, conclaves, OA and more. Its exactly what I shoot for – a very diverse group of listings that has a little bit for everyone so don’t forget to take a look.