Scouting Hot Finds Radio: Patch Trading at the 2013 Jamboree

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Join me for some big announcements regarding Boy Scout patch trading at the 2012 National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) and the 2013 Boy Scouts of America National Jamboree. I’ve known about some of this for months but I couldn’t let any of it slip until it was official. The two breaking news items are the location of the evening trading at NOAC and the total scoop on trading at the Jamboree including an unbelievable announcement regarding youth to adult trading. You’ll have to hear it from Craigh Leighty and Terry Grove – the elected leaders of ISCA.

If you want to listen to the show in a new window from the BlogTalkRadio website click here. Below you some of the items referenced in the show. Remember that the Scouting Hot Finds Radio show will broadcast Wednesday at 9 PM est.

If you missed part 1 of my interview with Craig regarding ISCA you can listen to it here – click link.

Visit the ISCA website
Visit the 2012 NOAC TOR information page




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