I have a bit of a dilemma to sort out. I often say in my business that I recycle items back into the hobby. That is very true in that I don’t throw anything away. Whether it’s an unfinished wooden neckerchief slide from one kids attempt at Woodcarving Merit Badge or the Cub Scout neckerchief that millions of kids had when they started the program. I find a tub for it whether it be on eBay or the antique mall or dollar box.
So I mentioned that I have the opportunity to purchase an estate which would require me to travel by plane to pick it up. But it looks like this guys collection was…everything. Like he collected Boy’s Life Magazines, camp t-shirts, uniform parts along with of course binders of patches. Did I mention coffee mugs? So no matter the price is this the kinda stuff I want to spend a week of my life going to get and then sorting out once it’s back in the Carolinas.
On eBay I have 207 live auctions running. Sunday is my night where I have 100 auctions ending from a variety of categories so be sure to check them out.