Unboxing Huge Boy Scout Memorabilia Collection From New Jersey

This collection was a home run. Two giant boxes filled with patches, neckerchiefs, and all manner of Scouting memorabilia going back over 40+ years. The Scouter that I purchased this collection from lives in Nebraska now but did a lot of his Scouting In New Jersey. He also attended some Jamborees and did a lot of trading. I was blown away by the amount of stuff that was sealed up in trash bags to keep it protected.

I also have a Patreon Group called the Scouting Hot Finds Insiders. For members of the group that I call the Scouting Hot Finds Insiders you can find exclusive content including me breaking down what I really thought of these collections, extended questions with my podcast guests and more. You can find thee group at http://www.ScoutingHotFinds.com.


Watched this unboxing and would be interested in seeing some of the international stuff you received.

By Linda Aug on March 30th, 2021 at 3:56 pm


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ScoutPatchCollectors.com It is not officially affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America, the Girl Scouts of the USA or the World Organization of Scout Movements.