Friday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter March 04, 2022



Several weeks ago it hit me that Matthew Delk would be a great collaborator to help share some patch stories. Matt and I have collected the same areas for 3 decades (he was a mentor for me in collecting other lodges). So yesterday we published the first video in hopefully a series for sharing some BOLO (be on the look out) issues for Un A Li’yi Lodge 236. Even if its not your lodge I’d encourage you to see the Zoom format that I think anyone can copy to document the patch stories from your home lodge, council or camp. Check out the BOLO video.


Yesterday I updated the TOR calendar on my website. I’ve gone ahead and put the Charlotte TOR on there as well even though the dates are tentative pending the church calendar. Coming out of COVID they have adopted a policy to not put things on the calendar more than 6 months out so I have to wait until the end of this month to resubmit the request.


I have 230 live auctions on eBay including many neckerchiefs and shoulder patches. I like running everything at auction when it’s stuff I’m not familiar with so my strategy of starting auctions every day of the week works well. Last night I had a conclave N/C sell for over $600 so I think that confirms the strategy.


Today I’m going to start the process of listing my father’s model train collection on eBay. I’ve had them in trunks for a few years now and finally decided that today is the day. I guess I will now get to experience what I often hear from people that reach out to me about collections. They want the stuff to go to someone who will appreciate. Might be a little capitalistic to have that same feeling when I’m selling the items. But for me it’s the same – I am not selling them for the money but rather to get them into the hands of people who will appreciate them as he did.






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DISCLAMER: It is not officially affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America, the Girl Scouts of the USA or the World Organization of Scout Movements.