Friday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter March 29, 2019

In Episode #84 of Scouting Hot Finds Radio I interviewed Stuart Tucker who is the merit badge counselor teaching next Friday at the TOR. He shared a resource packet that he created to help teach the merit badge. So when I emailed him the other day about this idea he said go for it. The requirement asks, “Find out about career opportunities in collecting. Pick one and find out the education, training, and experience required for this profession.”

This video also gave me an opportunity to reflect back one of the things I have been a strong proponent of for years – raising up the next generation of collectors in our hobby. In this video I advocate for attending Trade-O-Rees, asking questions, and learning more about Scouting memorabilia.

I am sure that others could add much more to this short video and I invite you to share your comments on the YouTube video or my post on I joke that my mom still wants to know when I’m going to go become a principal at a school and use my degrees. But it’s a new world with the Internet so if people can make a living being famous for being famous then I can make a living selling Scout patches. 🙂

The 99 cent auctions are back! Although not exactly to the same degree that I used before. I am cleaning out some old inventory in the store. So instead of keeping these items at $4.99 for another year I’m blowing them out at auction for 99 cents this week.

Last night we had our first ever Court of Honor for the new troop. The turnout was great and many of the girls earned Scout rank with a few reaching Tenderfoot. Our next camping trip is the weekend after the TOR which is also the weekend of the NC Cardinal Conclave. I haven’t signed up for either just yet as I need to catch my wife at the right moment. Hosting the Charlotte TOR kinda sends me off the deep end getting ready and all. So adding another Scout weekend is pushing it. 🙂





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DISCLAMER: It is not officially affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America, the Girl Scouts of the USA or the World Organization of Scout Movements.