Today I’m publishing a video that kinda shares the behind the scenes view of what I’m doing in my Charlotte NC warehouse. A problem I am blessed to have is how do you sort incoming collections and tame the cloth chaos. In the past when I purchased a collection I would cherry pick the best items to resell and stack the box on a shelf with the other 80% of the collection. There had to be a better way!
So what I’ve developed over time is a system where everything gets “processed” the same way. My method is that I want everything to end up in sorted and labeled containers with similiar items. So for example all youth position patches end up in the same three bins labeled modern, 70s-80s, and vintage. You can bet EVERY collection I purchase is going to have youth position patches for example and this helps me put similiar things together.
I really enjoyed putting together this video. But the irony is that the process is kinda never ending. Right now in my warehouse even after filming this yesterday I need to clean the table and then I have 4 more boxes to run through the system. Luckily I’ve got some great part time helpers that keep the feed of fresh items being listed into my eBay store.