Stolen patches!


Have you ever had any of your patches stolen? It happened to me twice. The first time was at my own camp during a lodge fellowship weekend. I had left my patches in my pack and during the day when we were all out on work parties, somebody went into my tent, searched my pack, and lifted the 3-4 most valuable CSPs out of the bunch. I didn’t notice right away because the thief (one of my fellow lodge brothers!) stole selectively. Obviously someone with opportunity and patch expertise.


The second time was during a small regional trade-o-ree. I was looking at someone’s table and set my binder of OA flaps down on the table and put my duffle bag of patches on the floor by my feet. I got to talking to someone else standing at the table and when I turned around to pick up my binder, it was gone. I questioned everybody in the room and ended up sending a letter to everybody who registered for the TOR asking for my binder back, no questions asked. About 6 months later, I received the patches in the mail, without the binder. So I guess I was lucky.


Anybody else?




2 years ago I was at the brotherhood Camporee in NY/canada and I noticed few my actvitie patches and csps were missing later that night at the big trading tent the kids tride to trade them back to me…. i didnt say anything cause didnt want to start a up roar.. he was a lil kid like a cubscout so i handed him few more….

By redneck_patch_trader on June 24th, 2009 at 12:51 am

I too have been hit twice once by two brothers that no longer participate in lodge functions or camp activities. It was very obvious they had stole my items as i had a piece of black felt cut into the shape of an arrowhead with pins on it and it was out in the open during a trading event later in the year when questioned on where it came from they said they made it…i produced two others of same shape and felt and they couldnt explain themselves then. Also it really upset me as they took most of my 50th anniversary Philmont items as well; but not my 50th anniversary Philmont arrowhead!

Then at a conclave a kid picked up a binder of very good dupes (30 dollar or better flaps and activities) and i actually caught up with him and it was returned…havent seen him in scouts anymore either..

As a general rule of thumb we collectors locally trust each other and know each other well enough to let them watch our stuff and have even helped make sells for them at tor’s.

I know now i will haul my haevy pack with me everywhere i go and get teased about it sometimes but no one watches your stuff better than yourself.Sometime i wonder where the first Scout Law went….a Scout is Trustworthy!

By mopar73mopar on June 24th, 2009 at 1:23 am


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