Today begins the last week of camp at Barstow for 2021. We have had a great run and are capping it off with a full capacity week. The program has received rave reviews and our staff has been amazing in their ability to put out fires and keep their Scout spirit all summer.
Once I finally get home from camp I’ve got to squeeze in some family vacation before the kids go back to school in August. The Occoneechee TOR is the first item on my agenda when I get back to the warehouse. I’ve got quite a bit of nice North Carolina stuff that I hope to organize and take to that show. The next month I’ll be hosting the Charlotte TOR.
While I’ve been gone for the last few weeks I’ve still been able to secure a few deals for small collections. I probably need to audit my email and phone messages as I’m sure some contacts have slipped through the cracks. At the warehouse I have a stack of boxes waiting to be opened.
I have 202 live auctions on eBay this week with a bunch of those ending tonight. There is a big run of US Grant Pilgrimage patches and some southern conclave issues.
Tonight we will welcome our new campers with a fun filled campfire. I have a skit idea for Friday night that is very original. It’s a mix-mash of Monty Python’s The Quest for the Holy Grail and a skit called I’ve Come To Marry The Princess. We enjoy changing up the campfires and trying new stuff and this is the last week to play that game.