Sunday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter July 25, 2021



Yesterday before jumping on a plane to Los Angeles (family vacation) I met up with an old North Carolina collector in the parking lot of my local Hobby Lobby. He had been out of the game for decades but was very active in the 1970s and had some good stuff. Luckily, I’m going to be at the Occoneechee TOR in about three weeks so I’ll have some fresh stuff to put out on the table.


If you read below and see that the seller of these flaps just gave up trying to ID them then you have to understand why. I too find it painful to bounce between sites and even the old hard copy of the Blue Book sometimes to identify issues.


Friday within hours of returning from my camping trip I met another collector who was in town visiting his mother. He had sold off the bulk of his OA collection about 15 years ago but wanted to sell me the miscellaneous stuff. We also did a little swapping as he is trying to put together a shadow box. Interestingly enough this guy had a fake flap that was made up for the 1973 Jamboree that I’m not sure I was aware of. Even back almost 50 years ago it was way too easy to contact a patch company and get them to churn out a reproduction of a first flap.


We are out in LA visiting my sister-in-law’s family for a few days. I think the plan is to be tourists and go see all the local stuff. A trip to Universal is in the works for Tuesday. I don’t really enjoy airports and all the hassle of traveling but we made it out here with no issues and the scenery is VERY different from what I’m used to so I’ll soak it all in.


Thursday will be my “return to work” day after nearly 2 months of Scout camp and vacation etc. I’m looking forward to it and have a big pile of work waiting on me. I will also be kicking things into high gear getting ready for the Charlotte TOR on September 17-18. My next step is confirm all the table renters one more time and do some promotional marketing to get the local crowd out.






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