Boy Scout Collection Unboxing: 23 Pounds of 1980s Jamboree Goodies

Although this box sat in the corner of my office while I was serving as the Camp Director last summer (sorry Lewis) it was finally time to unbox the collection. This Scout was active in the 1980s and attended the 1983 World Jamboree in Canada and the 1985 National Jamboree held at Fort A.P. Hill in Virginia. While at the WJ he traded for some stuff including foreign coins and some contingent neckerchiefs. At the 1985 Jamboree he caught the hat pin craze (man that hat is awesome) and served on staff at the booth for the National Eagle Scout Association. As a NESA staffer he came home with the armband and multiple jacket patches. Those pieces have been added to my own personal collection frame for the 1985 Jambo. This Scout also kept his Jamboree t-shirts (I wonder if he outgrew them quickly?) which are a cool memento as well.

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