It will take me about 90 minutes to drive to one of the best TORs in the Southeast. As local as it is for me the Occoneechee TOR should be a model for other lodge sponsored shows. The lodge cook team prepares all the meals and serves them up right there in the dining hall (where the TOR is held). You can camp for free or rent a cabin for a nominal charge. What’s amazing is now people from other parts of the country are flying in for this show. Wow!
On Santeeswapper I have 170 live auctions with the focus being camp and World Jamboree items. Today I’m scheduling out that account for the rest of August (gotta keep the momentum while I am at the beach!). The next push will be OA from the Carolinas. On OApatch I have 160 live auctions on flaps mostly. On Santeeswapper Store I have 90 live auctions on vintage neckerchiefs.