Sunday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter August 28, 2022



I helped Russell Smart create a Shopify Store so that he could begin breaking up his vast collection. He started this project by parting with an OA odd shape collection. The next phase was adding in a large group of OA first flaps. Now that summer is over he is running a sale on everything in the store for the next two weeks. This is the first time any of the flaps have been discounted. Check it out at
Friday I shouted from the rooftops that the Charlotte TOR is a go for 2022. The only thing I’m changing is eliminating the silent auction (not enough time to organize) and swapping that out for a display “competition”. I am going to make space in the main room to have a display area so that we can share our framed collections with the Scouts and other collectors that attend. If you are interested reach out to me.
Tomorrow I am traveling North to look at two (possibly 3) collections. I am hoping this is a one day up and back trip. I don’t usually get in the patch wagon and drive go get stuff. I was 50/50 last week doing this locally. I picked up a nice collection right here in Charlotte (video will be made) and the guy is considering my offer on the 2nd one I went to see.
I have 331 live auctions on eBay including a ton of 50+ year old event patches, OA, trails and more. I even have a rare segregated Scout camp patch up for bids.
Today my wife and I are going furniture shopping but like many things I’m also turning it into a patch trip. I’m going to go by my anitique mall the Sleepy Poet to clean up my booth and get my vendor check. Then if I play my cards right I’ll get to spend a few hours at the warehouse getting ready for the week.





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DISCLAMER: It is not officially affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America, the Girl Scouts of the USA or the World Organization of Scout Movements.