Tuesday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter August 31, 2021


I listen to a lot of podcasts while I’m working and in the online world they have term for the people who are your supporters. The term is “super fans” but I don’t think that really fits for anybody in a collecting space. When I wanted to create a way to connect with folks that appreciated my content I turned to the platform Patreon and started the Scouting Hot Finds Insiders.


The basic idea is that I would use Patreon as a way for folks to support my efforts to bring back the podcast and film all these videos that kinda put some energy into the hobby. It costs me over $200 a month to maintain the websites and hosting fees. But I also wanted to hire an audio and video editor to increase the quality of my content. So this week I’m relaunching that push with a series I’m calling the Morning Agenda.


What I’m doing is every morning this week when I get to the office before I start working I am filming a video showing what my patch projects are for the day. It’s the kind of behind the scenes content that somebody who was really a patch geek at heart would appreciate. So I just uploaded Day 2 of the series (this one was long like 16+ minutes) and am busy tackling today’s agenda as we speak. You certainly don’t have to feel any pressure to join the group but the invitation is there for as little as a $2/month commitment to become part of the Patreon group you will get access to this series.


I have some Hot Air Balloon staff items up for auction this week among lots of activity patches that I’m selling on eBay. One of my projects that will be on tomorrow’s agenda is getting more auctions scheduled.


Thursday I am looking forward to a visit from Greg McDaniel who is an avid Philmont collector. Greg has volunteered to help me organize all of my Philmont stuff that is currently sitting in tubs. For YEARS everything I got that was Philmont went into a tub as I didn’t really know what was good or how to value it. So he is going to help me go through it and in the end I hope to have several nice frames of Philmont stuff that I can call my “collection”. The rest I will have to offer to others. It’s not often I get visitors but when they are offering to really help me solve a problem I’m excited to block out the time and have a guest.






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ScoutPatchCollectors.com It is not officially affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America, the Girl Scouts of the USA or the World Organization of Scout Movements.