I’m sure some of the readers can sympathize with my current situation. I’m short on sleep and suffering with a sore knee after spending all day yesterday moving and “camping” out in the new house with no furniture. I think I’m getting old!
This opening block of the newsletter has some really cool vintage pieces up for auction. As the calendar turns into September this will be a golden time to list items up on eBay. The NOAC buzz has settled and the category is turning to its normal cycle.
I have one interesting package to mail out today. On Facebook I found a Scouter who needed to outfit a den of Cubs in blue shirts. Since I’ve got a few of those around the warehouse I worked him a deal and now a dozen shirts are going out today to be recycled into the movement.
I am now down to less than 300 unique listings on my 2018 NOAC offerings. It took me a while to get eBay to turn on the sale but now you can get 15% off on all these new issues.
This morning I’ve posted some bread crumbs on the internet trying to lead parents to our Cub Pack open house in two days. This is the first one for us in the age of Scout Me In and welcoming girls to the Cub Scouts. I actually have a conflict that night with curriculum night at my daughter’s high school but hopefully I can figure out how to do both.
I still have another 48 hours of moving hell but it’s just an unavoidable thing that I will soon be on the other side of. By this time next week we should be all settled with the kids on the right bus and everyone on schedule. It can’t happen soon enough.