I’ve got the 2018 NOAC sets up on eBay to make it a little easier for people to purchase them. These were made to promote the Scout Patch Collectors Facebook Group which has an online membership of 16k+. I hope to see many people up at NOAC who are part of the SPC.
In just two weeks many of us will meet up at the National OA Conference hosted at Indiana University. I’ll be there for a solid week starting with the Pre-NOAC Trade-O-Ree.
My most popular sale is back with 18% off your order on anything available in my ScoutPatchHQ.com web store.
One thing I love about this business is that it never sleeps. On the way up to Maine I got a call from a lady about a small collection. I was driving in Connecticut when the call came in and we set up an appointment for me to check it out when I get back to Charlotte, NC.
The last time I ran an 18% off sale in my ScoutPatchHQ.com store it generated a good bit of interest. As people are packing and getting ready for the Pre-NOAC TOR I thought this might be a good time to fire that sale back up.
Several people who are familiar with Maine have asked where are we vacationing. Best I can tell you it’s in the far southwestern corner of the state not far from the New Hampshire border. Our neighbors in Charlotte have a cabin up here and have invited us to join them for the week. Other than the 17 hour drive spread out over 3 days I’m loving the view and the company.