Tuesday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter July 31, 2018


Yesterday afternoon I was sad. After breaking down my tables at the Pre-NOAC TOR I drove around the IU campus looking to see if there were any hot spots of trading. Sadly there was no pulse. The one thing you need for some patch trading to explode is lots of people in a central place. After dinner it was time to rock and roll.


I got to the arena a little over an hour before the show was set to start and there must have been a thousand Arrowmen standing around waiting to get in. Within minutes of throwing down my blanket I had my first trades. Watch the video below to see what it was like when everyone came out of the show a little before 9:30 the first night.


As for a report of what’s hot etcetera it’s a little too early for me to say what people are looking for. There are some really beautiful sets out here including some that have clever themes. It’s always a challenge to sort out what’s the deal with delegate versus trader sets. You can only believe 1/2 of the tales the Scouts tell you to be honest.


One of the highlights of my evening was meeting adults who had watched my videos, read this newsletter and were kind enough to say some nice words to Sophia. It’s kinda a one way relationship with me flooding your inbox with emails so it was great to meet so many of you in person at the TOR and now here at IU.


There are a couple patch trading strategies at a big event like this. Some people only search for a handful of the “tough” or “hot” or “rare” sets more like a big game hunter. I would much rather do 1:1 and complete a hundred patch trades in a day even if it’s just throwing what they gave me back on my blanket to trade out to someone else.


I’ll be here through the duration of the event so my hope (especially after this morning’s rain passes) is to trade all week and meet many more of you and our next generation of Scouting leaders.









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ScoutPatchCollectors.com It is not officially affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America, the Girl Scouts of the USA or the World Organization of Scout Movements.