This might be my craziest ever turn around. My wife’s family decided to plan vacation inbetween the end of camp and NOAC. So that’s given me all of 2-3 hours to pack for the largest TOR in three years. So if I forget something I guess I’ll just have to slap myself.
I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at the TOR Saturday. I think it will be very late tonight before I get into Bloomington so ya’ll don’t wait up for me!
I’ve got the car slam loaded with Best Hobby Pages and patches. Unless I hooked up a trailer (idea for next time!) I don’t know if I could have squeezed anything else in the car.
I have just a small collection I’m bringing to set out at my table. This is one I got from a guy in Virginia several months ago. Mostly I hope to market BHP at the show and catch up with old friends.
I expect to have some long nights at NOAC between the patch trading which unlike a Jamboree can stretch into the wee hours. I’ve got some friends that have helped orient me as to where the main things are so I should have the lay of the land in not time up in Indiana.
I really hope the Pre-NOAC TOR is a return to the glory days of old. The attendance at the last couple has been way too light. Maybe with the great facility Chris will be able to hit a home run on this one.