I have a very cool collection on the way from a lady who offered to sell me her father’s stuff. It’s a very small collection but includes all the stuff he traded for at the 1937 Jamboree. It has the paper and the strange stuff people brought to trade including some Spanish moss in a bag from Mississippi. I love collections that have all their context together – this one will become a nice display!
So if I am a small business who is also online does that mean I can get into the action on Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday? Only in America would we have marketers that put a stamp on certain days of the calendar to encourage us to go spend our money. But if you are looking for savings check out the 20% off sale I’m running on over 5,000 items in my eBay store..
For years now Nick Wolf has been offering up deals on the council over-stock that he purchases. If you are looking for trading stock this is a great opportunity to buy patches cheap. You can watch his video posted to YouTube at this link.
Along with the sale in my eBay store I’m also running 173 auctionsright now on mostly OA pieces. With my anchor store subscription I get 1000 “free” listings per month so I’m trying my best to use them.