Holy Grail Order of the Arrow Collection Flap

It’s not very often that you get the top item on your needs list in the Boy Scout memorabilia collection hobby! I really started focusing on organizing my Order of the Arrow flap collection in the last year. During that time I was able to get some key needs and got things down to about 10 key needs. Now I’ve created my own rules for this collection that leaves out some of the really tough lodges. For example a few issued only an odd shape or maybe a neckerchief. For my collection the rule was I was collecting flaps. So if an OA lodge made a flap then it was on my checklist.

I posted an earlier video about this flap collection project.

For going on 25 years I have been toying with a collection of Order of the Arrow flaps. Since the 1997 National Scout Jamboree I’ve been keeping a list and trying to add new pieces. But in the last 6 months I’ve gotten much more serious and made a lot of progress developing a master spreadsheet tracking every lodge that ever issued a flap. In January a real breakthrough came as I purchased a massive 1500+ piece OA collection that was 45 years old.

In this video I go through the progress I’ve made in organizing all this and share some tips on how I did it. One big takeaway that you will hear over and over is my belief that as a collector you must define what you want to collect and the rules you set for yourself. I’m sure not everyone agrees with how I’ve decided to do it but that’s the idea – it’s personal choice.


Looking for OA Faps w Buffalo

By John on February 6th, 2022 at 11:38 pm


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ScoutPatchCollectors.com It is not officially affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America, the Girl Scouts of the USA or the World Organization of Scout Movements.