This year at camp we are rolling out a completely new program model. We have been promoting it heavily in the council and now that the website is live we can spread the word to the masses. It’s interesting how today any troop in the southeast is really our target market. As you know troops today think nothing of going 3+ hours to attend a summer camp. Gone are the days when troops reliably went to their home camp (gone by like a few decades!)
As part of this roll out we have also added a store to the new website. Right now the only thing we have up is the special issue CSPs that the council made for the camp over the last few years. They are $6 each and were made in small runs so if you collect that area you might want to pick them up at the Camp Barstow Online Trading Post.
I had a great conversation with a Scouter and reader of the Hot Finds who lives in Florida. He is at the point where nobody in his family will be interested in his Scouting memorabilia and we are talking about a good time to meet up so I can take a look. It was funny how he was sharing Scouting memories with me from Philmont and other experiences. These conversations always remind me what a brotherhood Scouting is.
I have over 200 auctions running now including some that are relisted with a lower minimum bid. Today I worked on some more including OA neckerchiefs that will go live tonight.
If you know a troop that is looking for a new camp experience point them in my direction. Camp Barstow sits on a 50,000 acre hydroelectric lake in the midlands of South Carolina. We have great facilities and patch trading is on the schedule for Wednesday night. 🙂