Today I’ve got a preview of one of the big TORs coming up in the new year. In my interview with Ron Aldridge you can get all the details on the Dallas National TOR coming up the last weekend in January. This continues my push on the website to help promote TORs as much as I can.
If you have never attended the Dallas TOR there are a few things that make it unique. One is that it attracts collectors and dealers from coast-to-coast. Because so many people fly in they try and build in time for fellowship. Dave Thomas hosts a Thursday night get together at his house. This is also one show where people don’t bail out quickly on Saturday. When I was there last year folks were still talking past 5 PM.
I’m on the road in West Virginia visiting family. My parents both grew up in WV in the Charleston area and so all the aunts and uncles are up this way. When the kids got out of school we jumped in the car for a quick trip to see the relatives.
I am going to have to wait until after Christmas (and New Years!) before I get to unpack and organize the two collections I brought home this week. One collection included 700 Scout mugs. Richard Shields told me at a recent TOR there is a strategy for how to sell those online but I don’t know if I’m going to be tempted to try that.
I’m closing out 2018 and not trying to start new auctions this week. The Boy Scout category typically slows a bit with the holidays. I do have 374 auctions live.
I added a couple TORs to the calendar. I have also updated the TOR Calendar on These short form interviews like the one for the Dallas TOR are another way I’m trying to help promote shows. I hope to do one for all the trade-o-rees on the calendar.