I heard about Earl Fulmer and Marv Gershenfeld and Dave Luebitz and all these colorful characters that I was too young to ever meet in person (apologies if I spelled their names wrong). We talked about the collections that exchanged hands and how things were done back in the day. It’s amazing to see how far back this hobby goes and how it has evolved. At the same time that gives me encouragement that it’s still got a solid future.
I’ll give you one good reason why the Indy TOR is a don’t miss event (even with a couple of fresh inches of snow on the ground here). The silent auctions will feature over 1100 items priced to move. A collector who was a frequent Indy table renter passed away and his family gave all his stuff to the benefit of the Scouts. So the crew that runs this TOR has spent many hours getting it prepped and ready for the auction.
Imagine going to a flea market and there being 200+ tables of Boy Scout items. There will be a lot of good stuff in the room too but the variety in Indy is impressive.
Chris Jensen is also a master of productivity and that has been a struggle for me some days getting new stuff listed etc. I’ve got some ideas for Monday when I turn the lights on in my office at 6 AM to start fresh. I think it starts with deleting some Apps off my phone that I’m way to addicted to. Good by AP news!
I hope to see Brad England here and do some short videos and perhaps even a Facebook live video or two. It should be fun!