If you take a look at the TOR Calendar on my website you will see that dozens of TORs are scheduled for the rest of 2022 and into 2023. Being that my life still revolves around school calendars and summer camp to me that means we are essentially starting the new year NOW!
I think coming out of the pandemic there has been a lot of energy around TORs and seeing people in person. YES the pandemic is not going away and certainly, more than a few people who attended NOAC tested positive upon coming home. But I have seen lots of people willing to attend shows (the price of gas be damned) and enjoy meeting other collectors in person. Therein lies the secret sauce of TORs which I believe is the fellowship and conversations that you can have in person.
So far this fall I have two TORs that I am attending including one that is happening this weekend. I’ll be at the Occoneechee TOR at Camp Durant in Carthage, NC starting Friday. Then the just announced (!) Old Hickory TOR in Winston-Salem NC is December 9-10. This fall I have an OA fellowship, a college tour and some other stuff on the calendar so I can’t get too crazy. I am tempted to try and make the NCAC TOR also in December but I’m not sure that can make the family calendar.
On eBay I have 187 live auctions. As promised I have started back with some regular auctions. I am still focusing on my 2022 NOAC pieces but have now added in some vintage event patches going back in the 1950s.