We have added over 2500 camp listings and added over 400 new Council names (including the second class councils that existed in the teens and 1920s. We have rewritten virtually all of the comments by including the camp locations where known and moved the comments to the camp data sections of the book rather than in a separate section as was done in version 1.0
Our book contains the opening and closing dates of many camps and the progression of different Councils that owned each camp from 1910 right up to the 2014 Council mergers. There is an indication if there is a known patch from each camp as well as a box for the reader to check off if they have a patch from that camp. Segregated Scout Camps (SSC’s) are identified and there is also a separate section listing the known SSC’s.
Bob Sherman, Dave Minnihan, and Kevin Doyle along with dedicated State Editors have been working nearly 20 years to put together this 21st Century update to the original Camp Book.
The original book, published in 1993 was a little over 200 pages in length and contained what we knew about BSA camps at that time. The new Camp Book II is 1000 pages in length and lists all known BSA camps by Camp Name, by Council Name and by State to provide an outstanding resource for identifying BSA camps. The Camp Book II V2 (2014) is being released as a download, or on a CD.
As the publisher of this great Scouting memorabilia history resource I’ve decided to include two of my own eBooks as a compliment to the Camp Book II V2. Anyone who purchases the digital copy of the book either through instant download or eBay will receive my Camp & Philmont Prices Realized Guide (2011) and a brand new book that has never been offered for sale before. You will also get the Camp Memorabilia and Philmont Prices Realized Guide (2012) which was the follow-up edition that I never published (until now!). It is 96 pages long and packed with hundreds of auction results from eBay that I cataloged with the intention of publishing in 2013. However, for reasons I explain in the book that never happened. Now 1 1/2 years later I’ve pushed the project to completion so I can include it as a FREE bonus for collectors who purchase the Camp Book II V2 2014.
Published Editions In The Series |
The Camp Book II V2 (2014) This book is 1250 pages long and documents every known Boy Scout camp. The book is arranged in three handy sections that allow you to quickly access the data. You can search for camps by name, by state or by council. The checklist format also includes an indication of whether a patch was ever issued for the camp. Includes bonus Prices Realized Guides (2011 & new 2012) |
Book available for $17 on eJunkie (instant download) |
electronic version sold on eBay and mailed to you on a cd $20 |
I am selling the Book here on my website using a world class service known as E-junkie. They are the top seller for digital products and a respected brand. I accept PayPal but you can also use any of the major credit cards to submit an order. Once your payment goes through you will get a link that will allow you to download the PDF. The beauty of an eBook is that you can get it instantaneously and I’ve built in numerous hyperlinks that really enhance the product. I’m convinced that once you see it that you will consider it the best purchase you’ve made in a long time.
sorry I dropped the service I was using – will come up with a solution.
Dear Jason, the link in the article for downloading a copy are still not working. Also, could you please post a couple of sample pages from the book, so that we have a better idea of exactly what we are buying?
Have tries to register on the images web page with no luck
and just now tried to purchase the e-version and was unable
to do so..can you call me so we can figure this out..
Craig Harmon, Director
The Lincoln Highway National Museum & Archives