Scouting Hot Finds Insiders Round Table Episode #1

Let’s talk about Boy Scout patches! In the first episode of this monthly series the Round Table welcomes Bill Mulrenin the NY State OA Trader. This new project comes out of my Patreon Group called the Scouting Hot Finds Insiders.


Bill is a veteran collector who serves on the board of the Ten Mile River Scout Reservation Museum. For a number of years he has also hosted a blog on New York Order of the Arrow lodges and memorabilia. The format for this show is that we picked 4 topics that we wanted to comment on and give opinions.

#1 What is something really special for your collection you have added recently?
#2 What are some ways news collectors can engage in the hobby during the pandemic?
#3 What will the BSA exiting bankruptcy in 2021 mean to the hobby of collecting Scouting memorabilia?
#4 Are there any good things for the hobby that have come out of this pandemic?



You will have to watch the episode to hear our thoughts on these topics and I promise there are some good ideas waiting for you. If you would like to take part in next month’s Scouting Hot Finds Insiders Round Table I invite you to consider joining the group at


In the roundtable, I mentioned some councils and lodges have moved more into online sales venues. Here is a link to the recently launched Kintecoying Lodge store.

By Bill Mulrenin on January 29th, 2021 at 11:30 am


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DISCLAMER: It is not officially affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America, the Girl Scouts of the USA or the World Organization of Scout Movements.