Today I have blocked out some time to finish sorting out my OA name / number collection. Back in January I bought a very large OA collection from the 1960s-70s that has many of my needs in it. There are also some upgrades for my collection so I’m going through 1 lodge at a time to decide which flap to keep.
The ultimate goal is to arrange my collection in frames with labels so that I can take it to summer camp and make it part of our pop up museum. My idea is that Tuesday night after dinner that Matt Delk and I (along with whoever else wants to come) will set up a big walk through display for the camp and answer questions. My belief is if you just keep all this stuff locked up in your basement then you can’t plant a seed for the next generation of collectors to get started.
I am working on a deal that will land me several of my big needs. However, in the end the killer ones that I can’t get will be color photocopies in the frame. I’ve seen that done before and it’s actually not as horrible as it sounds. It makes for an excellent filler and at the same time accomplishes the goal. Maybe it even prompts a Scout to say “hey why is that one so hard to get?”.
I have 427 live auctions on eBay with a few dozen ending tonight. This Sunday my wave of auctions ending includes 122 OA issues and 87 event patches from all over.
Last night my daughter earned the rank of 1st Class. I was happy to see her show an interest this month in finally getting over this hurdle and possibly looking ahead at earning Star in 4 months. She joined on Feb 1 2019 and has done a lot of cool stuff in Scouts including camp staff, World Jamboree and Sea Base.