Friday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter April 08, 2022



In my eternal quest to not become a “boomer” and stay up with technology I am going to experiment with something new today. Over the last month I’ve tried Facebook Live and YouTube live to test platforms. I’m trying to upgrade my game because just using Zoom is pretty limiting. So I’ve settled on a service called Streamyard and I have one day left on my free trial. So today at 2:30 PM EST I’m going to go live with an Unbox-O-Ree and share some home run pieces I’ve gotten for my collection recently.


The main reason to test out Streamyard is that I have someone willing to do a series of interview shows with me and I want to make those look much more professional. I am not a perfectionist by any means but at the same time why can’t we have good looking content like all those Gen Z kids do? So if you are not otherwise grinding away on a Friday come see my crash course test experiment today.


I have 276 live auctions on eBay including some vintage TX camps and lots more. During the unboxing today I am going to open four more boxes so that I can keep putting things in the pipeline.


This is a question for the guys – when do you need an extra car? My niece is leaving the country for a job and she is selling her 2011 sedan super cheap. I have the chance to buy it and kinda do her a favor (she is leaving this month). It’s a nice enough looking car but would be literally an extra car for us. I can see driving it frequently to keep the miles off my other cars (we don’t buy new cars – our newest car is a 2013). Is this generally a really dumb move or a moderately dumb move? I know what my wife thinks. LOL






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DISCLAMER: It is not officially affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America, the Girl Scouts of the USA or the World Organization of Scout Movements.