As I put the finishing touches on this issue I’m sitting in what will become the National Jamboree trading post in just a few weeks. Right the space is being used as a dining hall but that will be converted over to the largest trading post you’ve ever seen.
Almost surprisingly I haven’t had many conversations this week about the discussions the BSA is having regarding allowing single gender dens in Cub Scouts and more. You have to figure that the troops here at the Jamboree are “camping troops” and so there isn’t much of a need for these girls to seek another program to get some camping and outdoor adventure.
Tonight is the swapping session in the dining hall. My girls are going to have a lot of stuff to swap and hopefully the turnout will be good. Some troops have made “contingent patches” while many more made handmade swaps.
While I’m gone on official “scout business” I do have someone still shipping out orders from my eBay Store. When I get home there are just a few short weeks before it’s time to come back to the Summit for the National Jamboree. I’ll be here for about 9 days all together coming in as a visitor 7 of those.