I caused a little excitement in the Facebook Group last night. So yesterday I unboxed a great TX collection that came in this week. (recorded the unboxing – will be published next month). This was a collection where nothing in there was newer than 1965. Mic drop LOL But the real surprise as I started looking was a lodge 489 jacket patch that was not listed in Blue Book.
I posted a picture of the jacket patch in the group with the typical hey help me ID this one. It quickly became apparent that nobody had seen this one before. So dropping a never before see Region 9 OA patch on Facebook was something that doesn’t happen every day. The seller told me he thought it was for the dance team as that was really big back then (late 50s early 60s) but he also said it could have been a one off patch made by one of the advisers and not the lodge. Either way it’s fun to have a mystery!
I have 171 live auctions on eBay with most of those ending Sunday night. This includes a huge run of vintage OA that is all pre 1976. Since coming home from camp I’ve been sorting stuff out and it feels like I won’t really catch my breath until the week after the Charlotte TOR Sept 17-18.
My plan is to leave after lunch for the Occoneechee TOR at Camp Durant. I hope to see many of my patch friends there and get to tell do some deals. I haven’t been to a show since Alabama in May so I’m itching for a chance to set up a table and talk patches.