Tuesday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter August 17, 2021


This weekend I’m packing my stuff into the patch wagon and heading up the road about an hour and 1/2 to Camp Durant for the Occoneechee TOR. If you are attending I look forward to seeing you – if you have not this is a good one to put on your calendar. Yes it’s pretty heavy on North Carolina stuff but these guys do a great job putting on the event. I have always enjoyed the fellowship and chance to make some in person deals.


The next two days I’m going to be sorting and labeling things to take to this show. Luckily, I got in a nice Wahissa 118 collection a few weeks ago that will stand out pretty well on my table. I’ve got tons of dupes from all the lodges in the state so having inventory won’t be a problem.


I am not even going to crack open the tubs of stuff I brought home from my picking trip right now. That’s a real temptation but it will take me a long time to really do that justice and I only have a few days to get ready for this TOR. Of the 2 collections I picked up one was a TX OA collection so I don’t think that will do well at this show anyways.


I have 141 live auctions on eBay this week with almost all of those ending this coming Sunday. But the ones I’m most curious to watch are from that Wahissa collection I already mentioned. I got in 4 different 1970s lodge t-shirts only 1 of which I can see has been on eBay in a long time. That’s the kinda stuff you just never see which makes eBay a great platform to run it at auction and see what happens.


Once again for anybody attending the 104 TOR this weekend that would like to get in an order of Best Hobby Pages you can do so by using this link to get free delivery to the show. I will package your order and hand deliver it ready to go this weekend which saves me tons of time counting plastic at the event.






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